Have you received a letter informing you of a planning application that you do not approve of? Once a planning application has been submitted to the planning office it is there responsibility to inform the relevant parties. Letters will be sent to the immediate neighbours giving them 21 days to provide their comments and objections. Other effected neighbours are still permitted to object even if they do not receive a letter. Full details of planning applications are available on most council websites so that relevant parties can have a full understanding of the impact that the development will have.
There are many reasons for planning objections but we find that these are the most common:
Impact on property value
Environmental and visual impact
Traffic and highways/over-development
Loss of light and privacy
Poor design
Anti-social behaviour
Community issues/neighbour disputes
Civic duty
Smells, noises and nuisances
How can you make an official objection?
· Find out the details of the planning application. Start your objection by gaining a clear understanding of the proposed project details. The more you know the more likely you are to find something that does not follow the National Planning Policy Framework.
· Review your neighbourhood plan. Understanding the goals and guidance provided by local neighbourhood plans and boundaries will allow you to identify project details that do not align with these goals.
· Go out and collect signatures against the proposed development. Gaining support from others is a powerful tool for demonstrating how important an issue is.
· Write to your Local Councillor. Your local councillor will be well versed in local planning and will work closely with planning officers within the Council. You may wish to speak to them and the planning office so that they can help you understand the planning process.
· Submit an objection online on your local council website. Once you have developed the case for your objection you can use your local council online form to submit your objection. The objection and comments will also be made available on the website for others to see and cannot be submitted anonymously.
· Objecting in person at a Council planning meeting. Objecting in person can be a great way of drawing attention to an issue and one person speaking up can encourage others to do the same. However, remember to be prepared for others to disagree with you.
· Go to an expert in planning for help....
And that's where we can assist you.
When considering a planning application officers use both local and national adopted development plan documents like the National Planning Policy Framework to judge the acceptability of a development.
At Cliff + Ocean we are experienced in analysing these documents and identifying relevant policies within them. Our connections, from working with planners and councillors, and our familiarity with attending planning meetings mean that we can help you to develop a clear and powerful case for your objection, seek the correct support and present the case in the most effective and thorough way – all while using language familiar to Planning Officers and Councillors to give you the best chance of success.